A Slow Dream by Emily A. Sprague

A Slow Dream   by  Emily A. Sprague

Once upon a time, in a small village nestled between rolling hills and meandering streams, there lived a young girl named Elara. She was known for her dreamy nature and the gentle way she moved through life. Elara had a special gift - her dreams were slow and vivid, like a soft melody that lingered in the air long after it had been played.

One night, as the moon bathed the village in its silvery glow, Elara fell into a particularly enchanting dream. In this dream, she found herself in a lush, mystical forest filled with towering trees that whispered secrets to the wind. Fireflies danced around her, casting a soft glow on the path ahead.

As Elara walked through the dreamy forest, she discovered a peculiar doorway. It was an ancient, ornate door standing alone in a clearing. Intrigued, she reached out and turned the handle. To her surprise, the door swung open, revealing a world beyond her wildest imagination.

The new realm was bathed in hues of pastel colors, and the air was filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers. Talking animals and magical creatures roamed freely, sharing tales of wonder and wisdom. Elara was captivated by the slow-paced harmony of this dreamland.

In this magical realm, time seemed to stretch and bend, allowing Elara to explore every nook and cranny without the rush of reality. She befriended a wise old owl who shared stories of ancient wisdom, and a playful fox who taught her the art of laughter. Together, they embarked on slow, meandering journeys through fields of dreams and valleys of imagination.

As Elara delved deeper into this dreamland, she encountered challenges that required patience and thoughtfulness. Each obstacle she faced held a valuable lesson, teaching her the beauty of taking one's time and savoring the journey.

One day, as Elara sat beneath the shade of a giant tree, she realized that her time in this dreamland was coming to an end. The door to the mystical realm stood before her, and she knew she had to return to the waking world.

With a bittersweet feeling in her heart, Elara stepped through the doorway. As she opened her eyes, she found herself back in her room, surrounded by the familiar sights and sounds of the village. The slow dream had come to an end, but Elara carried its magic with her.

From that day forward, Elara approached life with a newfound appreciation for the slow and the magical. Her dreams continued to be a source of inspiration, guiding her through the waking world with a sense of wonder and grace.

And so, in the small village between the hills and streams, Elara's story became a whispered legend—a tale of a girl who discovered the beauty of a slow dream and carried its enchantment with her for the rest of her days.

A Slow Dream   by  Emily A. Sprague YOUTUBE

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