They Might Not by Poodle of Infinity

They Might Not     by Poodle of Infinity

It seems like you're expressing a concern that someone might not share a story with you. If that's the case, there could be various reasons for their reluctance. People may have different comfort levels in sharing personal experiences, or they might be going through a challenging time and may not feel ready to open up.

If you're trying to encourage someone to share a story with you, it's important to create a comfortable and non-judgmental environment. Show genuine interest in what they have to say, be a good listener, and be patient. Sometimes, people need time to trust and feel comfortable before opening up.

If they still choose not to share a story, respect their boundaries and understand that not everyone is comfortable discussing certain aspects of their lives. Building trust and rapport over time can increase the likelihood of them being more open with you.

They Might Not     by Poodle of Infinity YOUTUBE

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