They Might Not by Poodle of Infinity

They Might Not     by Poodle of Infinity

It seems like you're expressing a concern that someone might not share a story with you. If that's the case, there could be various reasons for their reluctance. People may have different comfort levels in sharing personal experiences, or they might be going through a challenging time and may not feel ready to open up.

If you're trying to encourage someone to share a story with you, it's important to create a comfortable and non-judgmental environment. Show genuine interest in what they have to say, be a good listener, and be patient. Sometimes, people need time to trust and feel comfortable before opening up.

If they still choose not to share a story, respect their boundaries and understand that not everyone is comfortable discussing certain aspects of their lives. Building trust and rapport over time can increase the likelihood of them being more open with you.

They Might Not     by Poodle of Infinity YOUTUBE

Birds by Silent Partner

Birds    by Silent Partner

Once upon a time, in a lush and vibrant forest, there lived a community of birds. These birds were not just ordinary feathered creatures; they possessed the ability to communicate with each other through melodic songs that echoed through the treetops.

Among these birds, there was a small, colorful robin named Ruby. Ruby was known for her enchanting voice that could captivate the entire forest. Every morning, she would perch on a branch and sing a melody that brought joy to all the creatures in the vicinity. The other birds admired Ruby not only for her singing but also for her kind and gentle nature.

One day, as Ruby was singing her heart out, a weary and tired traveler passing through the forest heard her melodious tune. The traveler, a young girl named Lily, was enchanted by Ruby's song. Lily had been wandering through the dense woods, lost and unsure of her way.

Guided by the music, Lily followed the sound of Ruby's song until she reached the clearing where the little robin perched. Ruby greeted Lily with a cheerful chirp, and the two formed an instant connection. Lily explained that she was lost and didn't know how to find her way back home.

Touched by Lily's plight, Ruby gathered the other birds in the forest for a council. Together, they devised a plan to help Lily find her way home. The birds decided to create a series of musical markers, each leading Lily in the right direction. Ruby, being the leader of the birds, took charge of orchestrating this avian symphony.

As the sun set, Ruby and her feathered friends began their musical journey, creating a harmonious trail for Lily to follow. The air was filled with the magical melodies of the birds, guiding Lily through the dark forest.

With each step, Lily felt a sense of comfort and warmth, guided by the celestial sounds of the avian orchestra. Eventually, the melody led her to the edge of the forest, where she could see the lights of her village twinkling in the distance.

Overwhelmed with gratitude, Lily turned to Ruby and the other birds, thanking them for their kindness. The birds chirped in unison, expressing their joy at having helped a fellow creature in need.

From that day forward, the bond between the birds and Lily remained strong. She would visit the forest regularly, sharing stories and laughter with her feathered friends. And every morning, Ruby continued to serenade the forest with her enchanting song, a melody that echoed with the spirit of friendship and compassion.

And so, in the heart of the lush and vibrant forest, the birds and Lily lived harmoniously, united by the magical power of music and the enduring bonds of friendship.

Birds    by Silent Partner YOUTUBE

Gamela by E''s Jammy Jams

Gamela by E''s Jammy Jams

Once upon a time in the enchanting land of Gamela, where magic flowed through the air like a gentle breeze, there lived a young sorcerer named Aria. Aria was known for her extraordinary ability to communicate with animals, a gift that set her apart from the other wizards and sorceresses in the realm.

One day, as Aria strolled through the mystical forest near her home, she heard a soft cry for help. Following the sound, she discovered a wounded phoenix caught in a magical trap set by an evil sorcerer. The majestic bird, with feathers of vibrant red and gold, looked at Aria with pleading eyes.

Determined to help the phoenix, Aria channeled her magical energy and broke the enchanted trap. The phoenix, grateful for her assistance, introduced itself as Ember and explained that it had been captured by the sorcerer seeking to harness its fiery powers for dark purposes.

Ember, recognizing Aria's unique gift, asked for her help in saving the magical creatures of Gamela from the sinister plans of the evil sorcerer. Aria, fueled by a sense of duty to protect her homeland, agreed to embark on a quest to thwart the sorcerer's nefarious intentions.

Together, Aria and Ember journeyed through Gamela, facing various challenges and overcoming magical obstacles. Along the way, they encountered talking trees, mischievous fairies, and wise old wizards who offered guidance and assistance. Aria's ability to communicate with animals proved to be a valuable asset, as the creatures of Gamela shared their knowledge of hidden paths and secret enchantments.

As their quest unfolded, Aria and Ember discovered that the evil sorcerer sought to drain the magical essence from the heart of Gamela, endangering the very fabric of the realm. With time running out, Aria knew she had to confront the sorcerer and put an end to his dark plans.

In a climactic battle at the heart of Gamela, Aria and Ember faced the sorcerer and his minions. Aria's magic and Ember's fiery strength combined in a dazzling display of power, ultimately defeating the evil forces that threatened their world. As the sorcerer's dark influence lifted, the magical creatures of Gamela rejoiced, and the land was once again filled with harmony and light.

In gratitude for her bravery and selflessness, the magical beings of Gamela bestowed upon Aria a shimmering amulet, a symbol of unity and protection. Aria and Ember continued to explore the enchanted land, ensuring that the magic of Gamela thrived for generations to come. And so, the tale of Aria and Ember became a legendary story passed down through the ages, a testament to the power of friendship, courage, and the magic that binds their world together.

Gamela by E''s Jammy Jams YOUTUBE

The Shadow Self

The Shadow Self

Once upon a time, in a small village nestled between towering mountains and ancient forests, there lived a young woman named Elara. She was known for her kindness, generosity, and the warm glow of compassion that seemed to radiate from her heart. Elara was loved by everyone in the village, and her days were filled with laughter and shared joy.

However, Elara harbored a secret, a side of herself that she kept hidden from the world. This hidden aspect of her being was known as the Shadow Self. It was a realm of her psyche that held her fears, doubts, and suppressed emotions—dark corners of her soul that she dared not confront.

One day, an enigmatic figure named Selene arrived in the village. Selene was a wise and mysterious woman who sensed the presence of Elara's Shadow Self. Intrigued by the potential for growth and self-discovery, Selene decided to guide Elara on a journey into the depths of her own consciousness.

Underneath the silver glow of the moon, Selene led Elara through a mystical forest. The trees whispered ancient secrets, and the air was thick with anticipation. As they delved deeper into the woods, Elara felt a growing unease, sensing the presence of something darker within herself.

Eventually, they reached a clearing where a mirror stood, reflecting Elara's image. But as she gazed into it, the reflection changed. Instead of her usual bright and joyful self, Elara saw a shadowy figure—a darker, more complex version of herself.

Selene explained that this was her Shadow Self, the part of her that she had suppressed for so long. To truly embrace her full self, Elara needed to confront and understand this aspect of her being. With trepidation, she reached out to touch the mirror, and as she did, the world around her shifted.

Elara found herself in a surreal landscape, a dreamscape that mirrored the emotions and fears she had kept hidden. The journey was not easy. Elara faced her deepest insecurities, confronted past traumas, and battled inner demons. Yet, with each trial, she felt a profound sense of liberation and acceptance.

As Elara emerged from the dreamlike realm, she was transformed. The warmth and compassion that defined her were now complemented by a newfound strength and resilience. She had integrated her Shadow Self, embracing the totality of her being.

Returning to the village, Elara shared her story with the people. She spoke of the importance of acknowledging and embracing all aspects of oneself—the light and the shadow. Her words resonated deeply with the villagers, and they, too, began to explore their own hidden depths.

And so, under the watchful eye of the moon, the village became a place of profound self-discovery and acceptance. Elara's journey with her Shadow Self had not only transformed her but had sparked a collective awakening in the hearts of those around her.

The Shadow Self  YOUTUBE

The Bardo

The Bardo
 I Think I Can Help You

Once upon a time, in a small village nestled between rolling hills and lush forests, there lived a curious young girl named Aria. Aria was known for her insatiable thirst for knowledge and her adventurous spirit. One day, while exploring the outskirts of the village, she stumbled upon an ancient, mysterious cave hidden behind a waterfall.

Intrigued by the cave's enigmatic aura, Aria decided to venture inside. As she delved deeper into the darkness, she discovered a series of glowing crystals that illuminated the cavern walls. The air in the cave felt charged with energy, and she soon realized that she had entered a place known as the Bardo – a realm between the living and the afterlife.

In the heart of the Bardo, Aria encountered a wise and ethereal being named Elara. Elara explained that the Bardo was a place where souls transitioned from one life to the next, and Aria had inadvertently crossed the threshold.

Elara sensed Aria's pure heart and thirst for knowledge, and she decided to guide the young girl through a series of otherworldly experiences. Together, they traveled through surreal landscapes and encountered spirits from different epochs, each with their own stories to tell.

One spirit, a kind and ancient warrior, shared tales of battles fought for honor and the importance of courage. Another spirit, a gentle artist from a bygone era, spoke of the beauty found in creation and the enduring power of imagination.

As Aria absorbed the wisdom of these spirits, she felt a profound connection to the tapestry of existence. Elara explained that the Bardo was a place of reflection, where souls could learn from their past experiences before moving on to the next phase of their journey.

After what felt like both an eternity and an instant, Aria found herself back at the entrance of the cave. The waterfall sparkled in the sunlight, and the village seemed to buzz with new energy. Aria had gained not only knowledge from the Bardo but also a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of all things.

She returned to her village, carrying the stories of the spirits with her. Aria became a beacon of wisdom and inspiration, sharing the lessons she had learned from the Bardo with her fellow villagers. And so, the small village thrived, its people enriched by the timeless tales from the realm between worlds.


Heuristics For The Brain

Heuristics For The Brain

In a bustling city where the rhythm of life moved at a rapid pace, there lived a young neuroscientist named Dr. Olivia Hayes. Driven by a passion for understanding the complexities of the human brain, Olivia dedicated her life to unraveling its mysteries.

One day, while immersed in her research, Olivia stumbled upon a series of ancient manuscripts hidden in the archives of a forgotten library. These manuscripts contained the teachings of a long-lost group of scholars who had developed a set of heuristics for the brain—guiding principles to enhance cognitive abilities and unlock untapped potential.

Eager to explore this newfound knowledge, Olivia immersed herself in the ancient heuristics. The first principle emphasized the power of curiosity. Inspired, Olivia began to ask questions that led her down uncharted paths of discovery, unlocking hidden facets of the brain's capacity for learning and innovation.

The second heuristic focused on connections. Olivia realized that the brain thrived on diverse experiences and interactions. She ventured beyond the walls of her laboratory, engaging with people from various fields, and discovered that the richness of these connections sparked new ideas and fueled creative thinking.

The third heuristic highlighted the importance of mindfulness. Olivia learned to appreciate the present moment, allowing her mind to absorb and process information more effectively. Through meditation and reflection, she found a balance that enhanced her cognitive abilities and emotional intelligence.

As Olivia embraced these heuristics, she not only advanced her own understanding of the brain but also shared the ancient knowledge with her colleagues and students. Together, they formed a community dedicated to exploring the mind's vast potential.

Word of Olivia's discoveries reached the broader scientific community, and she was invited to present her findings at an international conference. There, she inspired researchers and scholars to incorporate these heuristics into their studies, opening up new frontiers in neuroscience and cognitive research.

The impact of the heuristics extended beyond the academic realm. People from all walks of life began to adopt these principles, transforming the way they approached challenges and interacted with the world. The city, once known for its hurried pace, now embraced a culture of curiosity, connection, and mindfulness.

Dr. Olivia Hayes became a beacon of inspiration, not only for her groundbreaking research but also for her role in fostering a collective understanding of the brain's incredible capabilities. The heuristics for the brain became a timeless guide, reminding humanity that the key to unlocking the full potential of the mind lay in the harmony of curiosity, connections, and mindfulness.

Heuristics For The Brain



Once upon a time, in a small village nestled between rolling hills and lush forests, there lived a young girl named Lila. Lila was known for her vibrant spirit and insatiable curiosity, and her favorite time of the day was sunrise.

Every morning, before the first rays of the sun kissed the sky, Lila would venture to a meadow just outside the village. The meadow was a magical place, filled with wildflowers of every color and a gentle breeze that carried the sweet scent of nature.

One day, as Lila was sitting in the meadow, she noticed a peculiar glow near the edge of the forest. Intrigued, she cautiously approached and discovered a hidden pathway she had never seen before. The pathway led her deep into the heart of the enchanted forest.

As Lila journeyed through the forest, she encountered mystical creatures and encountered challenges that tested her courage and wit. Along the way, she befriended a wise old owl named Orion, who became her guide and mentor. Orion shared ancient stories and taught her the secrets of the forest.

As they continued their adventure, they stumbled upon a magical clearing where the trees seemed to part to reveal a breathtaking sight. In the center of the clearing stood a magnificent tree, its branches adorned with glowing orbs that emitted a soft, ethereal light.

Lila approached the tree and discovered that each orb held a unique story of the world, from the beginning of time to the present. The tree was a keeper of memories, and Lila could feel the wisdom and energy coursing through its roots.

Realizing the importance of these stories, Lila decided to share them with her village. She invited her fellow villagers to the enchanted clearing, and as they listened to the tales, a sense of unity and understanding blossomed among them.

From that day forward, Lila became the storyteller of the village, sharing the wisdom of the enchanted forest and the magic of sunrise. The once-divided village now thrived on the shared knowledge and appreciation for the world around them.

And so, every morning, as the sun painted the sky in hues of orange and pink, Lila continued to share the stories that had transformed her life and her village. The enchantment of the forest and the beauty of sunrise became a source of inspiration for generations to come, reminding them of the magic that exists in the world when one is open to discovery and understanding.